Healthy Workplace

Invest In Your EmployeesRecently, Fortis Fitness & YOGALUX was asked to start working with a local business.  This company is a successful, medium-sized business but had a very big problem: their employees were becoming increasingly sedentary and they noticed a decrease in productivity, an increase in sick days, and a lack of company culture.  After taking the time to analyze their issues, we designed a custom program for them: a 12-week weight-loss challenge that includes 2 private classes per week, weekly weigh-ins, nutritional advice, weekly motivational emails, and unlimited access to our classes and gym.  The company would provide prizes for teams that lost the highest percentage of weight each week, as well as 2 grand prizes for the male and female who had the highest percentage loss of weight at the end of the 12 weeks.We are happy to report that through only 5 of the 12 READ MORE

Top 10 Tips for Surviving The Holidays!

The Holidays are here! Go ahead and enjoy the food the drinks, the company; after all isn’t that what this time of year is about? It is easy though to get totally consumed by all of the festivities and let our health and wellness take a back seat. Here are a few tips I have come up with over the years to keep myself on the right path during the holidays:PregameNo, I don’t mean drinking, although depending on the party it is not such a bad idea.  I mean pre-eat before you get to the party! By having a little snack before heading to the party or gathering, you won’t be so ravenous and over eat at the buffet.Work The RoomWhile yes that means make sure you so hello to everyone, what I mean is to keep moving around the room and especially do not get planted right READ MORE

The Benefits of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)

THE BENEFITS OF H.I.I.THIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training is a fat-blasting workout that alternates between intense bursts of activity, followed by an active-resting period for a fixed period of time. One example of a HIIT Workout would be to give maximum effort for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds rest.There are many benefits to this type of training and some of my favorites are burning fat, losing weight and increasing your metabolism. HIIT Burns More FatNot only will you burn more calories during a HIIT workout, you’ll continue to burn more fat and calories 24 hours after your workout. HIIT Helps You Lose WeightHIIT workouts allow you to target weight loss from fat you have stored in your body versus going after your hard-earned muscle. HIIT Boosts Your MetabolismHIIT stimulates production of human growth hormone (HGH) by up to 450 percent during the 24 READ MORE

How To Prevent Low Back Pain

HOW TO PREVENT LOW BACK PAIN GLUTEN FREE - DAIRY FREE Low back pain is a prevalent problem in the United States and around the world.  It is a condition that encompasses our lives when it happens and something we forget about all together when it is gone. And 80% of all adult Americans will experience low back pain at some point in their lifetime.  Many of these low back pains are short-lived, lasting less than 6 weeks.  But the impact the low back pain has on us is significant enough to impact our daily activities, our exercise regimens, and our ability to sleep.  Interesting enough, that only 7% of Americans that seek medical intervention are given a referral to another professional who specializes in low back pain.  That means that 93% of you who go to a doctor are not given a referral to READ MORE

10 Tips for Success in the New Year

10 TIPS FOR SUCCESS IN THE NEW YEAR 1. Find What Motivates You There are many ways to find the motivation to get and keep yourself heading in the direction toward your fitness and wellness goals. One of the best ways I have found motivation is by signing up for an upcoming race. By registering for a race I create a concrete deadline and goal for which I know I need to work towards. Another great way to get and stay motivated is to join a competition or challenge. At Fortis & YOGALUX we offer different Class Challenges throughout the year. These challenges are a fun way for our members to stay motivated and even get out of their comfort zone by switching up their workouts (we will get into this later) You can create individual challenges between you and your friends. 2. Get READ MORE