NUTRITION TIPS TO MAXIMIZE YOUR WORKOUT Our bodies are awesome and complex machines. But our hectic lifestyle often lends us to forget to treat them as such. Most people are now learning the importance of exercising, but most of us ignore the one thing that has the biggest impact on our health – nutrition. I’m not just talking about “eating healthy” – I am talking about EATING SMART. What do I mean when I say EATING SMART? In a nutshell, our bodies need different types of food (or combinations of food) to fuel different types of exercises for maximum efficiency and recovery. Cross-training is an extremely popular mindset in exercise, and rightfully so. It creates equilibrium in the body. Generally, cross-training involves different types of exercises that include strength training, cardiovascular exercise, and flexibility. So if you are smart and jumping on the cross-training bandwagon, make sure you cross-eat READ MORE

2022-09-16T15:33:12-05:00News, Nutrition|

Speed Training Drills

SPEED TRAINING DRILLSMost strength coaches have their “go to” speed training drills they use for training all athletes for speed and they will have some more sports specific drills, as well as, some new ones they are trying out. These drills are intended to improve the athlete’s foot quickness, acceleration ability and power. You will find them packaged in a program by itself, as a warm up for a conditioning program or blended into a program. I will just address the drills we use in our general speed program, as we have athletes in all sports performing these drills.As with all of our programs we encourage the athlete to perform soft tissue work in the form of a massage stick, foam roller and, if time permits, the vibration platform, prior to a dynamic warm-up sequence. So, after a World’s Greatest Stretch, backward lunge reach, moving side lunges, hip-openers and some cocky READ MORE