Women and Weights

Women and Weights Do They Go Together? The age-old problem of women wanting to work out, but not get ‘bulky’ is one we all know well…and the majority of you are still worried about. It is argued back and forth, many arguments are not validated and quite frankly are uneducated. Now I understand that everyone has their own idea as to what they want to look, and feel like, and I completely respect that. The truth is yes, lifting weights can cause you to gain muscle mass; but what is also true is that weight training is one of the most effective and efficient ways to burn fat, and also can lead to improving an extensive list of physiological attributes in the process. This article is intended to remove false information related to the topic and open your mind to reaching your training goals through the use READ MORE

Healthy Fall Recipes

Fall Warm Squash Salad This nutrient dense salad is a perfect Thanksgiving side dish or satisfying fall meal. The greens and the homemade dressing keep it light and the touch of warmth from the butternut squash and caramelized onions satisfy and nourish you the way comfort food always does…but without the heavy calories. Served alongside your favorite protein, this makes for the ideal balanced meal of healthy carbs, protein and fat. Salad: Greens of choice (lettuce, spinach, etc.) Squash of choice (butternut squash acorn or sweet potato) Nuts of choice (pine nuts, pecans or pumpkin seeds) *optional: chopped bacon goes great in this dish! ½ red onion pad of butter a small squeeze of honey Dressing: Olive Oil Apple Cider Vinegar Coconut Sugar Fresh ground Black Pepper Directions Bake Your Squash - Preheat the oven to 350°. Cut off each end. Use a strong peeler READ MORE

2022-09-19T16:55:17-05:00News, Nutrition, Recipes|

Strength Training for Women

 WEIGHT LIFTING FOR WOMEN What do most of us think of when we think of strength training? For most women, the term bulky typically comes to mind. However, if there is one fitness goal that should be at the top of most of women’s to do lists; it should be to change our opinion of strength training.Strength training for women does not typically result in bulkiness. The hormonal composition of a woman’s body is not able to support the bodily changes necessary to create such a look. However, the value of this type of training is that it can increase muscular definition, strength, and endurance rather than size.Strength training allows for immense improvements in well-being and the predominant benefits include:Burning More Calories - Cardio exercises allow for the greatest caloric expenditure while you are performing them; however, strength training gives us a greater overall caloric burn. Strength training not READ MORE

Holiday Healthy Tips

  HOLIDAY HEALTHY TIPS With family gatherings, office parties, and the holiday’s right around the corner, there is really no way of avoiding bad eating decisions. Along with these festivities come hearty meals, delicious desserts, and perhaps a few alcoholic beverages. Although we cannot avoid encountering sugary desserts, we can still minimize our intake and start new goals that do not have to wait until the New Year begins. Here are some tips to stay strong and motivated during the holidays! Make It Conscious Bad habits - Yes, we all have them. However, did you know that it only takes 21 days to break an old habit? Whether it is as simple as putting laundry on the back burner or forgetting to fit in your daily workout, you are able to break those poor routines you may have established throughout the year. If you are struggling with READ MORE

2022-09-16T15:43:18-05:00News, Nutrition, Recipes|

How to Train For Your First Race

Be it a mile, 5K, or marathon, set yourself up for success and start with these simple steps: Start with a training plan, source knowledgeable outlets and keep to your plan. When you start altering the plan that is when you run into issues on race day. There are tons of training plans out there to get you up to your mileage goal safely and in a set amount of time. If you aren’t an avid racer, start small and build up to your ultimate goal down the road. If you haven’t run a 5k, don’t schedule yourself for a marathon. A big part of the battle for me on race day is confidence; I need to ‘know’ I can finish the race. If you are training for a long race, say a half-marathon or full marathon, incorporate shorter races like a 10k into your training plan READ MORE